Posts tagged vulvar pain
Sex therapist – sexual difficulties and concerns

Many people experience sexual difficulties. It may be a desire for a more fulfilling sex life; or a problem that has been bothering you for a long time; or an identity issue. Whatever it is it can cause sexual difficulties and concerns in several areas of our life. It can affect they way you see yourself, and the way you see others around you. It may even make you feel depressed or anxious. In some situations certain people may be more likely than others to experience difficulties in areas of their sex life.

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Sex therapy

Sex therapy is a specialist therapy experience where someone who has identified that they have a sexual problem  works with the therapist to understand and resolve the difficulty.

Unlike other types of therapy, sex therapy specifically focuses on our experiences of sexual behaviour and our experiences of intimacy; often aspects of our lives that are overlooked and at times difficult to discuss.Typically in sex therapy we look at the experiences of sexual function and dysfunction.

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